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The New Media Revolution

Emerging media. It has become the new way of life for many of us who have become submerged in a world of Facebook, Twitter, blogs, podcasts and email. In a world where posting a status update of Facebook has become second nature, emerging media has become a tool for friends, family and advertisers to connect with us on a 24/7 basis.

Let’s take a look at the effect emerging media has made on our general behavior. How many of you have actually sat down and handwritten a letter in the past year? Or do you simply drop a friend an email or post a comment to their profile as a way of keeping in touch. What about phone calls? Do you actually make phone calls and have a conversation with people or do you text message them instead? According to a 2003 BBC News article, 8 out of 10 people under the age of 25 are more likely to text than make a phone call, showing that emerging media is changing the way we interact with each other and with marketers.

We are becoming a society that is based on convenience and preferences, making emerging media such as mobile, email and web ads an even more important tool for marketers to use when trying to reach us. Those marketers that can engage with us in a manner that is relevant to our lifestyle will be the ones who ultimately have a say in what we buy. No more are the days of hoping that mass advertising reaches the consumer. Instead we will receive targeted messages and content that is relevant to our personal preferences as consumers. Emerging media is the new way of life and it will be interesting to see what the future has to hold.

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. tb72182
    November 9, 2009 at 5:49 pm

    When you described the statistics here on 8 out of 10 people are most likely to text you were describing me. I’m older than 25 but I have taken the habit with me. A few of my friends have not and I often receive a phone call after I text saying, “Just call me! I hate texting,” from a friend who is the same age. I also find it sad that we rarely if ever get hand-written letters. I used to love getting them as a kid from friends who were on vacation, or in school, or even sending them to a crush. I wonder if kids today are still passing notes in class or if they are just texting. This has inspired me to send a letter to a friend! I wonder if she will find it weird.

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